Sunday, March 29, 2009

Robert is at it again!

Winter is over, spring is in the air, and Robert is in the mood for one thing and one thing only...Yardwork! You guessed it. From now on, if we have not obligated ourselves to going out of town, we will be spending our weekends (providing it isn't raining or a Georgia game isn't on) in the yard. And although there are a few things I might rather do, Robert has designed another great area for our yard. Jojo, Harrison and I were also hard at work delegating where things should go while Robert put in the manual labor and here are the results. And because I know no one truely wants to see pictures of the yard and would much rather see a little someone else, I have included some additional photos.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dirt Diggers

Harrison LOVES playing with 3 of his favorite friends: Gracie, Mason, and Audrey. This is just a typical day in the sun for these 4 as they work on their tan while attempting to get as dirty as possible.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome to the Lyons Den Blog

We will try to keep up with our latest family updates. There's lots to keep track of...we have 4 children. Jojo, our 7 year old purebread mutt, Lucy, our 3 year old cat/bipolar maniac, Charlie, our 4 year old cat/asthma inducer, and HARRISON, our 10 month old son who seems to dictate what we are doing any given time of the day. Please feel free to add any comments, we love a good laugh!

Baby Zoolander

"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."