Sunday, August 19, 2012

School's Back in Session

Well, my little peanuts were off to school last week and what a great week it was for them...and me. Harrison started on Tuesday and Brooks started on Wednesday (because she will only be going 3 days a week). Both kids were excited to go and according to their teachers, had a fantastic week.

Brooks took to school like a fish in water. Both days, she got out of the car, put on her backpack, walked into her classroom, put her backpack up, walked to her seat and started coloring. She doesn't even look back to say bye. She just gets in there and does her thing, and it cracks me up. She'll be ready for college in like 3 years!

And Harrison, as always, is ready to make new friends and talk to them about all his summer adventures. He loves his new teacher, Mrs. Brenda, and had a great report all 4 days. Even his teacher from last year, Mrs. Tiffany, who happens to be Brooks' teacher this year, said she can't believe how much he has grown up over the summer. He is becoming such a sweet, smart, and energetic little man. I know he will have a great year in school.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Franklin Trip

Harrison, Brooks and I took our annual trip to Franklin last week. We had a fantastic time, as usual. However, I did have to cut the trip a day short due to some behavioral issues and an inability, on my part, to cope with it...I'm sure you can imagine. Age 4 and 2 do not make for smooth sailing when you are vacationing. But the kids had a blast with all the endless activities and adventures. And Brooks, Anne, and I were able to have some fun ourselves.

We even got to enjoy a quick visit with Mama and Da on our way home through Elberton. It was a great trip and I'm looking forward to many more trips to Franklin. We love it there!