Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sea World & Aquatica

We went to Orlando last weekend with our some of best friends and had an awesome time. This was Harrison's last horah as an only child so we went big! On Friday we all headed to Sea World for the entire day. The boys, Harrison & Finn, had a blast at the park and according to Robert's watch, we walked about 7 and a half miles. This was a good thing because I am starting to see similarities between me and Shamu in the size department.

We also stayed at an amazing resort where the boys were able to spend the later part of the afternoon hanging by the pool. And on Saturday, we spent the morning and afternoon at Aquatica. This waterpark was so much fun and once again, I was reminded that exercize is going to be a crucial part of my schedule in the upcoming months seeing as it took me almost 5 minutes to get out of an innertube. The festivities extended into the evening as we hit up Downtown Disney where we went to a great restaurant called the Rainforest Cafe.

It was such a fun weekend and as always, we loved getting to spend time with our friends, Angel, Reint and Finn!!

Just a warning...this post contains an obscene amount of pictures.

Beach Boys

Just another day at the beach...with friends.

Art Show

I had my very own art show September 9th at my parents' house in Jacksonville. It was a huge success and I was so pleased with the number of people who attended. The night was a lot of fun and I hope to have another show in a few months.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sugar Mountain

For Labor Day weekend, Robert and I went to Sugar Mountain with Carter and Leigh. Thankfully, labor was the last thing going on this weekend. We ate, slept, shopped and took in the sights. We had an awesome time and it was really difficult to come back from 60 degree weather to the scorching temperatures of Florida. I don't think I can take another month of this kind of heat!

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