Monday, January 31, 2011

Warrior Dash Weekend

Robert and I signed up for a race called the Warrior Dash back when I was pregnant as incentive to get in shape and shed a few of those lovely, extra baby pounds. We ran it last weekend and it was a blast! This race is a little different than others in that it consists of 14 obstacles over a 3.2 mile course. And, you get to wear costumes. OK, I'll just admit it. That's the real reason I wanted to run this race. Our friends, Kelli and Todd, also happened to be running in it as well so we had a great time running the obstacle course and celebrating afterwards.

In the same weekend we also got to visit with Lee Lee & Billy because they came to help us with the kids while we ran in our race and to celebrate an extended Christmas. We had a great time visiting with them but I think they got a little more babysitting excitement than they bargained for.

Sunday night we had dinner in Jacksonville at my parent's house for my dad's 61st birthday. It was a lot of action but great to see everyone. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rollin' with my Homies

Little Miss B hit her 1st big milestone today...she rolled 3 and 1/2 months! She was definitely out for a show because she made sure to do it while on her baby playdate. Her adorable boyfriend, Garrett, was over today and she was ready to impress. Almost as soon as her tummy hit the floor for tummy time she was ready to flip. I even got it on video! Check out this high roller as she flips over. I also included some cute pictures of Brooks and Garrett on their second "date".

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This week we said goodbye to some very good friends. And although these goodbyes were made to inanimate objects, they were still difficult. First, we said goodbye to my trusty Honda of 9 years. We replaced it with a Kia Sorrento that seems to fit our lifestyle a little bit better and also has a much better paint job. We also said goodbye to a very dear friend of Harrison's....his pacy. Or as he refers to it, his "say". I'm not going to say that this is the final goodbye because as we found out last night, Harrison has a secret stash that we don't know about. But he is getting the picture and he knows that the "says" have been traded for a much better prize...spider man figurines. This trade was made possible by the say fairy who just so happens to be a very speedy fairy. We hung the "says" out before dinner and by the time Harrison was finished with dinner, the fairy made her swap. Magic!

Harrison has been using his pacy for sleeping and the occasional emergency that requires a quick plug in the mouth. And even though the emergency pacy is more for Robert and I than it is Harrison, the pacy NEEDED to come to an immediate stop. Yesterday, Harrison was pacy free for naptime AND bedtime and he did amazingly well. Bedtime probably gets less credit because when Robert and I went to turn off the lights in Harrison's room after he had fallen asleep, we noticed that he had a "say" in his mouth....hence, the secret stash. But we are very hopeful that he is ready to say goodbye and move on to the next obstacle, dare I say it, potty training.


Friday, January 21, 2011


Celebrity is in the Eye of the Beholder

I am sure that one day, Harrison will start calling Robert, Daddy. But for now, he continues to call him Robert...or Bobert. I have kept the traditional name, Mommy, but there was a short stint in time when he called me Stine. To recap, Harrison refers to Robert and I as Mommy and Bobert.

A few weeks ago, Robert, Harrison, Brooks and I were all in the car and Harrison wanted to get our attention at the same time. So, to make it quicker he said, "Mombert". I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure he thinks we are celebrities.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Robert's Ragnar Race - Team Beer Belly

As some of you may know, Robert has gotten quite active in the last year or so. He has found a couple of opportunities to get out of the house and go exercise and 2 weeks ago, he found an opportunity that got him out of the house for 4 days. Robert and some of his good buddies ran from Miami to Key West in a Ragnar Race. They finished 1st for their age group and 6th overall. Very impressive considering there were 320 groups. Here are some of the pictures that they got while running the length of the Keys.

Friday, January 14, 2011

3 Months Old

My little newborn has now moved on to a new stage...she's a full blown 3 month old. Brooks is starting to get her own personality and is smiling all the time. She's not exactly a fan of being put down but I also think that has a lot to do with the fact that she has had a cold for almost 3 weeks now, another similarity she shares with her dad! Here are some pictures from a photo shoot that I did the other day after realizing that she is no longer a newborn and I need to capture every moment that I possibly can.

Of course, I also had to include a few with her charming, big brother!