Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Back to School

Just before school ended in May, I had grand ideas of the many things I could do with my kids and the places we could go on a whim. I thought that the summer vacation was too short and we needed more time for sleeping in and staying up late. At least, this is how I felt for the first month. By the second month, I was wondering why we even needed a summer break and I even gave serious consideration to the idea of adoption. Well, maybe not serious consideration but there were several times when the idea uncontrollably popped into my mind. I enjoy spending as much time as I can with my kids, but I also happen to thrive when I get to have a bit of solitude and am able to hear my own thoughts instead of the screaming and fighting that occurs 75 percent of the time that I am with them. The other 25 percent is when they are sleeping. I jest, of course, but the percentages are really not that far off. Anyway, my day finally arrived August 16th when the kids headed off to 1st and 3rd grade. They lucked out this year and both got great teachers. Harrison has Mrs. Preston and Brooks has Mrs. Benison (Harrison also had her for 1st). I do think there needs to be a "first day of school" picture for all the moms so that it can be documented what true joy looks like on our faces. But instead, all I have to show is how adorable my kiddos look on their big day. The first picture seen below is the usual "happy for the first day photo" and the second is a more accurate portrayal of what my kids look like on a normal day of school.

Vacation to Anna Maria Island

We took a fun, end of summer trip to Anna Maria Island at the end of July for 5 days. The trip was wonderful and we were fortunate to stay in a beachfront condo that belonged to one of Robert's business associates. This was our first trip to Anna Maria but hopefully not our last. The island is amazing with lots of fun restaurants and you can get everywhere by bike. We had a great time spending the days at the beach then biking or swimming in the pool in the later afternoons. I'm hoping we can take another adventure there soon!