Sunday, November 29, 2015

Halloween 2015

Halloween is a holiday that is not taken lightly in our neighborhood (or Christmas). And this year was no exception. Our neighborhood goes to great lengths to decorate and make a fun environment for all trick or treaters. It was a little chaotic because our neighborhood also becomes a bit of a circus on Halloween night. Kids are everywhere and jacked up on candy...what could go wrong?? But we all enjoyed the day and earlier that morning, both Brooks and Harrison had fun school parties that I was able to attend and take part in. We love Halloween!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Brooksie's Bday Celebrations

The Badger turned 5 this past month so, like most of our birthdays, we spent the whole month celebrating. First, we spent 2 days in Orlando visiting the Magic Kingdom, Epcot and Animal Kingdom. We met up with some friends at Epcot and had a great time. The following weekend, Brooks has her actual Birthday Party with a couple of her best friends at Lollipops Salon.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fall Ball

Harrison has had a fun fall season with baseball. He and his teammates have played hard and they had several wins. If we could just get him to focus a little more in the outfield and possibly quit grabbing his crotch so much, we could have a serious player on our hands.