Friday, May 29, 2009

H Man's Big Day

Well, the captain had his 1st birthday party this past weekend and oh what a party it was! I'm sure you can tell from the pictures that he decided on a pirate theme. And like everything around here, we took it to the next level. Harrison had a great time. He had 6 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, uncles, aunts, and several close friends all in attendance. He played, he swam, he ate cake, he ate more cake, and he opened his presents. Oh yeah, and he slept REALLY well that night. That was his gift to us!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What to do when it rains

In case no one has seen the weather channel lately, the weather here in Florida has been wet. And I'm not talking light showers kind of damp, I'm talking "when did this place become niagra falls" kind of wet. But who am I to exagerate. The point is, Harrison and I needed things to do yesterday and here is what we came up with.

First, we met our friends, Shannon and her daughter Kylie, at our weekly meeting spot, Let's Play. Here's Kylie and Harrison being sweet to each other.

And here they are playing house. In case you're wondering, that is a frying pan which she is about to throw at me any second. Apparently, she's not a fan of the rainy weather, either.

There's tons of stuff for the kids to play with here and lately Harrison has become very fond of the little red car at Let's Play. Here he is checking the gas tank. He's just like his Dad.

Once we got home it was lights out for this man but once he woke up it was back to business, as usual. Here he is enjoying a delicious meal of pasta and peaches. No table etiquette needed for this guy.

After lunch I was ready to start decorating for Harrison's pirate party but he got wind of some of the decorations. It set me back a little but it was entertaining nonetheless.

And he showed me some of his juggling skills.

Even in the nasty weather we had a good time!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monkeying Around

Just a quick glimpse of some of the shenanigans that go on around here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

We went to Jacksonville on Sunday to have dinner with our family and to celebrate Mother's Day. Harrison got to visit with everyone and somehow managed to steal the show, as always...on Mother's Day.

With Grand Mommy

With Grand Daddy

With Aunt Holly

With Uncle Carter

In the pool

Hang on....I see them all the time!

...And I'm spent.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm a soul man

"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tanks of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses." "Hit it." - The Blues Brothers

Monday, May 4, 2009

Lee's Visit

Lee came to Palm Coast this past weekend to babysit for us while we went to a wedding Saturday night. The wedding was wonderful and it was also a perfect weekend for spending time with Lee and her Tazmanian devil of a dog, Annie. We spent time by the pool, at the beach, and watching Harrison take 12 steps in a row! We also spent time wrangling in 2 dogs as they terrorized our 2 cats while trying to keep up with a one year old. It was a very exciting weekend.

That's right...he's in the same shirt...again. Apparently, he needs more surf shirts for the beach. I guess I should note that his birthday is May 19th.

Lee has her hands full with these 2. Both are extremely tired. The only difference is that Harrison lasted about 45 minutes longer than Annie at the beach before calling it a day.

I love everything about this picture...except.. wait a minute..what the?? Alright, one of these days I am going to need to figure out photoshop.