Thursday, March 30, 2017

Harrison and Brooks

My kids have been so busy lately and I think I am losing touch with their updates as it is getting so hard to find time to write. But I do want to give a little glimpse into how I see these two evolving...

Harrison has become a very intuitive, sensitive, and well mannered young man. He continues to amaze us with his athletic ability but even more importantly, he is really becoming a kind and generous person. You won't really see this side to him when he is interacting with his sister, and this is a work in progress, but, when he interacts with others, it is very apparent. We have also noticed that he interacts really well with older boys. I don't know if it's because he is a little more daredevilish than kids his age or because he is up for almost anything but it is funny to watch him hold his own with the 5th graders while he is in second. On the flip side, Harrison does get his feelings hurt more easily these days and he tends to take jokes personally. I have been trying to help him understand that life is not to be taken too seriously and we can al laugh at ourselves and with our friends, as long as it is in good fun.

He is really into basketball and has wrapped up another season of it as one of the best players on the team. We are so proud of the way he has started to hustle on the court and his sportsmanship. He is currently playing baseball and golf and has Robert helping as coach on his baseball team. He loves baseball but I'm not so sure about golf. I keep reminding him that one day he will be playing real golf rounds with Big Bill and Daddy so he keeps at it. He and Brooks both share a quirky sense of humor and a quick wit so I think they will both do well in the funny department.

And Brooks is still at it with her feisty and crazy behavior. She has more imagination than I have ever seen and is never quiet. Not only does she have ideas, she is going to tell you about every single one and make sure that you are listening. Her sense of style only gets better and better as she continues to get more confident. But sometimes I do notice a shyness or an insecurity in her when other girls don't enjoy being around an overly outspoken 6 year old. It's only natural that strong personalities will deter some shy personalities, but one day it will only make her stronger and she will figure out how to get along with most. She usually doesn't care much for what other people think and that makes me happy.

Her dancing has improved drastically and we have enjoyed watching the progress. And she is playing tennis once a week now. No major progress to report since she has just started but I am so gad that she enjoys it. I need someone to play tennis with one day! Both kids have recently gotten roller blades and they are having so much fun with them. I never thought they would be into skates but I was wrong. And like everything else, they fight to go faster than the other one and drive each other crazy with their competitive spirits. Sometimes I act like I embrace their competiveness but in reality, it drive me bat shit crazy. When will that get easier?!?

They are keeping us on the move and I find it very humorous that Brooks keeps asking for a baby brother or sister. I have told her repeatedly that they are all that we can handle. She does not want to accept this answer but it is the truth. So much action and personality is packed into these two little humans and I am excited to see how they will take on the world.