Friday, April 27, 2012

What's New?

My munchkins have been busy. And they are growing so fast! It's hard for me to describe because some days I want them to stay like this forever and other days I am ready to start thinking like a rational person....which means they need to be older! But I love watching them grow together. Their personalities are so different so I decided it was time for a little update on what each of them is up to these days.

Brooks is a complete mess. I feel like I must wipe her face off 30 times a day but every time I look at her, there is something new that she has gotten into. Most of this stems from the fact that she is a really good eater so she tends to wear a portion of her meal. But even though she isn't the most "put together" little girl, that doesn't keep her from accessorizing to the extreme. Most day she goes through about 20 different shoe changes, including Robert's loafers and my 3 inch heels. She enjoys going through my lingerie drawer and wearing sports bras and underwear on her head. And like Harrison, she is a full fledged climber. Shopping has become one of my least favorite adventures because Brooks refuses to sit down and has little tolerance for moving around a store in one position. She has an extremely tough demeanor and can shake off a lot of spills and tumbles. Most importantly, she is able to remain undeterred by some of Harrison's outbursts and his tendency to pick on her when he gets frustrated. It's amazing to see how easy it is for her to ignore it. She is already far better at it than I am. She does have a short temper when she knows what she wants and is unable to get it immediately. Robert and I actually find it amusing sometimes so we have nicknamed her, "the honeybadger", whenever she gets upset. But she he is a sweet little peanut. She loves to hang on you and of course, prefers to be picked up rather than walking around on her own...unless you are shopping. I get so tickled by her attempts to communicate and the way that she mimics her brother's behavior (for the most part). She is such a fast learner so I can't imagine how crazy things are going to get when she really starts to figure things out.

And the H Man. Do I really need to go on or can you pretty much guess what I'm going to write?? He is continual motion but believe it or not, he is starting to channel some of this energy in a more focused direction. Robert and I have noticed that he does not stay in a tantrum as long as usual and he has had an easier time with shaking things off that frustrate him. I think school has had a lot to do with that and the fact that he is closer to age 4. He is really into singing songs and talking about his friends.  I love to hear him randomly start singing a song that he has either just made up the words to or repeat a little ditty that he learned in school.  We also sing in the car a lot these days and the lyrics to Scooby Doo will forever be embedded in my memory.  He is such a lovable kid that it is easy to forget some of the more difficult times and instead pay attention to all the sweet things that he says and does. His sensitivity to our and other people's feelings truly melts my heart. And again, he is an amazing big brother. I think this role was made for him because he can understand Brooks' attempts at communication far faster than I can. They love to play together and other than the ridiculous, non-sharing moments, they are great pals. Love them!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Acorn Soccer Game

The H Man played in his 1st soccer game last Saturday.  He was a little slow to get started, I guess that's what happens when you have one practice then show up for a game, but by the end, he was kicking the ball down the field.  Sure there where a few times that he kicked the ball all the way towards the wrong goal or tackled the ball to keep it from going to the opposite team but overall, he's a natural.  Even Brooks got in a few practice kicks while we waited for the game to start. 

My new friend, Darby, is the Acorn soccer coach...a very prestigious title.  You need A LOT of patience to wrangle these kids up and down the field.  This is a job that I probably will never be able to do.  She does a great job getting the kids excited about the game and how to play as a team.  At one point Robert looked at me and said, "It's like trying to herd cats!"  But the team was great and what a blast to watch these kids work together while having fun!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Big Hunt

The hunt was on today. Brooks, Harrison, and I went to the Timuquana Country Club for breakfast with the Easter Bunny and an Easter Egg hunt. We met Hoyt, Holly, BeBe, Leigh, Nana, and Ma at the club. Brooks, much like her visit with Santa, was not a fan of the Easter Bunny. BeBe was all about it. And Harrison, eventually, came around to wanting to see the Easter Bunny, especially after he noticed a toy was given to each child after their visit. Once breakfast was finished and all the children had been paparazzied with the bunny, we all went outside for the kids to participate in the anxiously awaited Easter Egg hunt. Harrison, Brooks, and BeBe were successful in finding several eggs. We finished the morning by stopping by Nana and Papas house where all the kids got a swing ride from Papa. It was a nice morning with lots of excitement!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Busy Bodies

Harrison & Brooks have been working hard to get in shape for their big Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday. We've played tennis, been swimming, and we've been playing around in the yard... all in preparation for the "big hunt". Harrison even had an pre Easter egg hunt this Wednesday at school in which Brooks and I were there to hide eggs. Brooks ended up finding more than eggs than hiding them but that's ok. We also got to spend some time with Virginia Anne and Wade while they were here in Jacksonville. Fun times!