Sunday, October 30, 2011

St. Augustine Halloween Parade

We took our Ninja Turtle and our Honey Bee to the St. Augustine Halloween Parade this past Sunday. There were a bunch of kids ready to trick or treat up and down George Street and I was very impressed with the amount of effort that went into some of the costumes. I plan to put a lot more energy into next years family themed costumes. Harrison and Brooks had a great time and aside from one little traumatizing event, the day was great. Mental not try trade candy for a trip to Target to pick out a toy. It will end in disaster!

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brooksie's Big Day!

We celebrated Brooks' birthday with a pumpkin theme this past Sunday and what a day it was! With about 26 adults and 11 children running around, there was A Lot going on. I'm pretty confident that the kids had a blast. They played in the toys, in the yard, and we had a pumpkin painting session as well. As far as birthdays are concerned, especially 1st birthdays, we go big. This makes for a fun filled day and an early bedtime. It's a win win. What else makes it a win win? The fact that I am able to parlay my love for Halloween and parties into Brooks' birthday. I know that eventually she will want to pick her own theme but while she doesn't mind, I'll use this opportunity to have some fun myself!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Brooks' Birthday Weekend

We had a lot of fun this past weekend getting ready for the Pea's birthday. Lee Lee and Bill made the trip to celebrate so we were able to spend the whole weekend with them. Aunt Nat Nat was not able to make the trip but she sent Brooks a gift that made her a very happy little girl...a pink furry pocket book with a pet doggy to go inside.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Verdego Pumpkin Patch

I needed to get a few items at our favorite landscaping store for Brooks' birthday party and, never missing the opportunity for a quick photo shoot, I got the kids dressed in some fall attire for a quick glamor session at Verdego's Pumpkin Patch. We got there a little late for good lighting and neither Harrison nor Brooks were really in the mood to pose together which these days, is often the case. I did, however, get a few cute shots of them separately as they frolicked through the haystacks and nearly destroyed the upcoming weekend's display. That really isn't the kind of photo capturing I was going for but these days I'll just take what I can get.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Food for Thought

This past week has brought on several changes in our household. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we have made a few necessary adjustments to our menu at home. And the results couldn't be more promising! The biggest change has been in Harrison's behavior. He is still very energetic but more willing to listen and he is not nearly as frustrated with things. He is also eating more than ever and best of all, they are both eating really healthy foods....and enjoying them! I am so excited for this change and even though it can be challenging at times, it has only been one week and the results speak more than words. I guess you really are what you eat.

Linear Park

The weather this weekend has not been spectacular but that didn't keep us from making a quick trip to the park to enjoy some fresh air. Harrison and Brooks had a ball as they played on the ropes, the slide, and the swings. We even took a short walk over to the butterfly garden. I know it has been hard for these little guys to stay couped up inside this weekend but I think they got to make up for it on the playground today.