Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Brooks Turns 6

My badger turned 6 this year and instead of going with your average girlie theme, she wanted a cheetah party. It's really every girl's dream I just doubt they admit it. We had a party at the park with an inflatable water slide so the kids were basically entertained on their own. And the two tiered cheetah cake that Brooks picked out from SAMS was also a huge hit. Originally, we had a three tiered cake but when I accidentally told Robert about the size and price, he reminded me that this was not a wedding and in fact it was a 6 year old's casual birthday party at the park. So we downsized. Brooks had a fabulous time and I think the adults had fun too since the water slide was there to keep the kids active and entertained.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Scalloping in Crystal River

The Snipes took their annual scalloping adventure to Crystal River this year. Our original plan was to go back to the same location as last year in Homassassa, but hurricane Hermine flooded the Riverside Resort the week before. So we tweaked our plans and went to The Plantation on Crystal River. It turned out to be perfect. There was lots of space for the kids to run around and play plus their restaurant will cook up your scallops in the most delicious way ever. This was fantastic since there was also way more success this year in the scallop finding department and everyone found baskets full. As always, the Snipe crew was a blast to hang out with and we all probably got a little more sun damage than expected. Totally worth it!