Saturday, March 22, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Fieldtrip to the Botanical Gardens

I got to take a special trip to the Botanical Gardens with Harrison's class. I went with my friend, Catalina, whose daughter, Sophia, is in Harrison's class. It was fun to watch the kids explore, learn, and drive the botanical garden's employees and visitors insane. On a side note, I could never be a school teacher.

Harrison's Kindergarten Musical "Going Buggy"

Harrison's Kindergarten musical was a hit! The entire class of kindergartner's, all 7 classes, did an amazing job in their show, "Going Buggy". Each class played an insect. Harrison's class was the butterfly. They sang a song to the likes of Elvis' "You Ain't Nothin but a Hound Dog" but replaced hound dog with caterpillar. It was fantastic!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Family Trip to the Naples Zoo

A few weeks ago we took a fun family outing to the zoo. Harrison and Brooks love to see what the animals are up to and we always fit right in!