Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Brooks Turns 6

My badger turned 6 this year and instead of going with your average girlie theme, she wanted a cheetah party. It's really every girl's dream I just doubt they admit it. We had a party at the park with an inflatable water slide so the kids were basically entertained on their own. And the two tiered cheetah cake that Brooks picked out from SAMS was also a huge hit. Originally, we had a three tiered cake but when I accidentally told Robert about the size and price, he reminded me that this was not a wedding and in fact it was a 6 year old's casual birthday party at the park. So we downsized. Brooks had a fabulous time and I think the adults had fun too since the water slide was there to keep the kids active and entertained.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Scalloping in Crystal River

The Snipes took their annual scalloping adventure to Crystal River this year. Our original plan was to go back to the same location as last year in Homassassa, but hurricane Hermine flooded the Riverside Resort the week before. So we tweaked our plans and went to The Plantation on Crystal River. It turned out to be perfect. There was lots of space for the kids to run around and play plus their restaurant will cook up your scallops in the most delicious way ever. This was fantastic since there was also way more success this year in the scallop finding department and everyone found baskets full. As always, the Snipe crew was a blast to hang out with and we all probably got a little more sun damage than expected. Totally worth it!

Monday, November 7, 2016

School's Back In Session

My little rascals are FINALLY at the same school together and it is everything I had hoped for and more! I would like to say I'm getting more accomplished in the day since there is less driving and more school hours, however, I'm not sure that is actually happening. Oh well, my peace of mind has changed drastically and I don't feel like I'm continually chauffering kids all over least, not until 3:00. We are well into the school year as I am writing this post but I couldn't miss the opportunity to post 1st day of school pictures and recap on the activities that Brooks and Harrison are doing.

Harrison has just wrapped up basketball and is now playing flag football and baseball. He also has continued with piano but we are trying lessons from home. He is really an outstanding athlete and when he wants to, he can be one of the best players on his team. But once he loses focus, it's any man's game. Robert is trying really hard to help Harrison get that extra edge by practicing on his own. They spend a lot of time throwing the football and practicing baseball at the park. It can be a challenge sometimes to get Harrison motivated. Like so many kids, the idea of sitting inside and playing a device sounds so much more appealing. Harrison is reading a lot and he is having his best school year yet! He is still my sensitive little guy and continues to want lots of hugs and kisses which makes me happy. And I know he wants to hear praise and positive affirmations all day but sometimes he needs to hear a hard truth, especially when it comes to motivation and focus! But I think we can work through that because let's face it, the kid is as smart as can be. He's figured out how to get everything he wants so far...even if it's at the expense of our sanity!

And then Brooks. She has cut back on the plays this fall and is doing ballet, soccer, and voice lessons. She wants to add in tennis and more plays but currently we don't have extra time or money. And really, who does? But I wouldn't be surprised if she got her license early so she could just drive herself to these activities anyways. So far, she has enjoyed kindergarten and loves her teacher and classmates. She tends to lose her patience when she gets home and is easily frustrated when she is not getting exactly what she wants. That is something I am trying to work on with her because I don't want her to damage relationships with her short temper. If anyone understands that, it's me. Although, sometimes, her short temper and my short tempered reaction can be quite brutal. So I question wether I am the best person to help her with this very real struggle. Her doll collection has become a bit of an obsession and it always cracks me up how much she loves taking care of her "babies". She does have a very nurturing side and that also makes me happy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

DC Lyons Style

Over the summer we managed to fit in a 3 night stay in DC. It was a short stay and a lengthy car ride but the break up of various places along the way made it much easier. We all know my kids are used to car rides but sometimes their behavior does not reflect that. This trip, however, was pretty good...all things considered. And it was about time that we made our way to DC seeing as a lot of our family has been living there for several years now. We stayed with Aunt Nat Nat, Davis, and baby Palmer. And we got to spend time, on our second night in DC, with my cousin, Anne, at her house in McLean.

On our first day adventure we started with a confusing ride on the subway. Our first stop was the Spy Museum. The museum was a cool experience but maybe a little better for older kids. Although the gift shop was a hit as is any gift shop with my kids. After that we moseyed over to the always exciting Archives Museum where Brooks and I tried to look entertained but without success. Robert kindly reminded me that I should be interested but I could not bring myself to find interest in an old, unreadable document, along with countless other documents that I did not feel like reading. It's not something I'm proud of but I just don't care for old archives. I've also never been a history buff. After that, we strolled over to the White House and the National Monument. And by strolled I mean, we switched back and forth carrying Brooks on our shoulders for a mile because she said her legs didn't work. After the monument it was time to wrap up the day and so we could awkwardly ride the subway back to Natalie's.

Our second day out proved to be much more of a success and way more entertaining for all of us. We started at the Museum of Natural History which was awesome. Once we had spent several hours looking at cool exhibits there, we headed onto the Capitol where we got a private tour thanks to Uncle Zach. Harrison was the most interested on our tour and asked question after question. Brooks had a million questions too but hers were mostly out of left field and left our tour guide, from Harvard I might add, feeling extremely confused. Harrison's questions were way more in line with actual history. And Robert, of course, was loving every minute and had many questions himself. I didn't have too many questions. Like I said, I'm not a history buff and I don't really like tours either. But the kids loved it so that made it fun. Plus, the artwork was outstanding. We wrapped up the day on a great note and spent our last night in DC hanging out and packing up the trailer and car for our 10 hour ride to Athens the next day.

Our way back to Athens included an extra traveler, cousin Davis, who managed to throw up while face timing his dad on the phone. This occurred an hour after Brooks had done the same thing but luckily no one was in mid conversation face timing her. Shockingly, other than a couple disgusting moments, the ride was quite pleasant with 3 kids. We were glad to have made the trip. It truly was a fun and memorable experience!