Last Friday, on April Fool's Day, there was a lot of testosterone running around my house. We had a typical playdate with friends and craziness. I am always amused to watch these boys interact with each other because their attitude is so different than girls. And when I say amused, it doesn't mean that I am calm and relaxed while all this is going on. Usually, I'm in a frenzy trying to entertain while keeping the house from burning down. But looking back, it is all very amusing.
At the start of our playdate, the kids played great. Then they got restless. The boys ran into Harrison's room to play then all 4 came out either screaming or crying. Ethan had a huge bite mark on his stomach, like a shark had attacked him, only to find out, it was Harrison. Accusations were made, some toys were thrown, and the phrase "I hate you, you're not my friend anymore" was tossed out multiple times. After all the commotion had somewhat settled down, we (us moms) decided to open up the pool. With that, clothes were taken off and friendships were back on the if nothing had happened. I guess there is something to be said for the bond of friendship between boys and their ability to just let things go. Even all their clothes.
But it is not all testosterone around here. Brooks and Bekken were there to observe all the craziness that little boys get in to and to add a little sugar and spice into the mix.
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